Patchnotes 2.8.2 [Maintenance 24.1.2022]

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Joined: 14 Jan 2019, 01:12
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Maintenance 24.1.2022
Game version is now 2.8.2

Hello community, this update was aimed at preparing future updates (the server has undergone some internal changes) as well as fixing some existing issues and some new features, below is all the information about what was done during this maintenance:

  • - Added Custom Outfits.
    - Added an 1 second cooldown when equipping/unequipping weapon/armor skins and hair.
    - Added an 1 second cooldown between using emotions.
    - Added Dark God Wings at the Battlepass Reward Shop.
    - Added Shadow Ring at Battlepass Shop for 20 Battlepass Tokens.
    - Restructuring of the design of the Mini-Map in terms of identifiers of monsters, bosses, players, npcs etc.
    - The animation between changing game stages has been changed to meet a more fluid and visually improved animation.
    - A lot has changed regarding the game's loadings, here are some of the most important changes:
    • :: The player will only be taken to the loading window on the FIRST loading of the client, after that the player will be taken directly to the game window whenever you change characters, accounts or on any occasion that previously brought you to the loading window.
    • :: The loading animation in teleports has also been changed, now besides being faster, the game window will not be destroyed in these teleports which makes some of your data always stay saved until you exit the game.
    • :: To avoid reported problems the use of the keyboard has been blocked while the player is being teleported.
      - Changed the +5% Half Human bonus to +1000 HP at Vote4Buff
    - Increased the bonuses from Saphire & Jade weaponskins from +20% to +25% Strong vs. Metins/Bosses.
    - Increased the Yang needed for Instant Restart from 20kk to 500kk.
    - VIP Scroll is now tradable.
    - You can now sell Reinforcement Chests at NPCs for 500kk(S), 1kkk(M) and 1.5kkk(L)!
    - Improved Tanaka & Heroes Valley maps.
    - Removed Storage Keeper NPC from last floor of Demon Tower.
    - PvM & PvP Talisman will now dissappear after the time is over.

  • - Corrected the position (alignment) of some texts present in the tooltips of the skill color change window.
    - Fixed the problem of Shamans being able to buff players from other Kingdoms while in Coward Mode.
    - Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented the Magic Chest event from ending automatically in some server cores.
    - Fixed a problem with the Rejoin Window in dungeons, previously it was possible to close this window using the ESC key without actually "canceling" the player's return to the dungeon.
    - Fixed the problem with damage text's when the player are using the General Hide Effects option.
    • :: Now this options will hide ALL the game effects except the damage effects (if you want disable them too use our Attack Information option).
    - Fixed some issues when searching for items in the Offline Shop, some items were not being searchable such as level 30 weapons.
    - Now when a player increases the scale of the Metin stones in the game options the name of the stone will also be scaled.
    - Fixed one problem relative to the new target UI that caused crash's on the client.
    - Now whenever a player opens a quest, all open windows will be hidden, here are 2 gifs to help you understand this problem: - The Dog mode option has been fixed in the game options, this option is now working, but for it to take effect you will need to restart the client.
    - Fixed some problems with in-game translations in some languages.
    - Fixed an issue where the player could not remove the Energy Crystal by clicking on the energy bar.
    - Adjusted the position of some Wings on all characters races in the game.
    - Before, if you unequip an armor or costume with some effect, the effect will remain on your character until you teleport or relog, now its fixed.
    - Blocked opening Wikipedia on the OX map through other windows such as the World Bosses window.
    - Fixed the position of some Bosses models in the window of World Bosses.
    - Fixed some problems in Wiki Preview's.
    - Now when the Ranking Window is opened for the first time it will automatically open in the Weekly Ranking, not the Global one.
    - Fixed the time displayed in the event window, before the time displayed was the player's local time, the exact server time is now displayed.
    - Now when a player changes race their stat points will be reset and sub skills will keep their level.
    - Fixed some character update issues after selecting the skill group.
    - Fixed the block friendship request option in the game options.
    - Fixed fish effects in the upper left corner of the game window, previously these effects were still visible even after the effect was finished.
    - Fixed some problems in block mode buttons in Game Options.
    - Fixed an issue that did not let the player save his preferences at Switchbot.
    - Now is not possible feed or put in the transportbox the pet if this are active.
    - Fixed the map image that appeared when the player entered the Demon Tower.
    - Fixed some issues regarding the Weding Ring, previously it was possible for a player to teleport to maps that required passage without having it.
    - Fixed a problem with the informative tooltip in the letter event window.
    - Removed the Add Bonus Costume from the letter event.
    - Fixed alignments of tooltip texts in the Title System window.
    - White textures on some monsters have been fixed.
    - Some minor's fix's in change channel system.
    - Made Abyssal Daemon Dagger/Bell icon a little more visible.
    - Added missing skins from wiki.
    - Fixed Reinforce Item's description.
    - Festive Earrings will now be equipped on the lower Talisman/Earring slot.
Blessed by the Heavens!
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